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Win a bottle of Botanist Gin

1 prize to be won!

Get into the festive spirit with this bottle of 'The Botanist' dry gin, which comes gift wrapped! The Botanist is an artisanal hand-crafted and distilled gin from the Scottish island of Islay. Islay Dry Gin it is truly unique, with 22 hand-foraged, local herbs and flowers delicately and slowly distilled with nine classic gin botanicals. The botanicals are gathered responsibly from the hills, shores and bogs of the Hebridean Island by The Botanist’s expert forager and the mixology of the liquid captures the heart and soul of the remote island. This prize is available for a limited time, so enter now for a chance to win! 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 26/12/2024.


The Botanist Dry Gin, 70cl x1